History of the Atlanta REALTORS® Association

Founded in 1910, the Atlanta REALTORS® Association has been an instrumental factor in the growth of organized real estate in the state of Georgia for over a century.
With over 10,000 members, ARA is the largest real estate association in the state of Georgia and considered to be one of the strongest and most successful REALTOR® Associations across the nation.
Throughout its history, ARA has influenced local civic affairs representing a substantial segment of the business community, as well as real property taxpayers across metro Atlanta. The Association has contributed representatives to the Atlanta Aldermanic Board, City Zoning Boards, the Mayor's Committee on Urban Renewal, the office of Vice-Mayor, the Mayor, County Commissions, and the Atlanta Housing Authority. Additionally, the Atlanta Association played a major role in the creation of the Georgia Real Estate Commission and has continued to play an integral part in the development of the Georgia License Law.
Thank you for your membership in the Atlanta REALTORS® Association!
Membership in ARA provides you a distinct competitive and educational advantage as a professional. Networking opportunities are provided through our Education Seminars, Top Producers Gala, Annual Fundraiser, Trade Show and Annual Business Meeting. Comprised of members in all areas of the industry, the Atlanta Association's long standing and highly respected presence in Atlanta gives you instant credibility as a REALTOR®.
In addition, the Atlanta REALTORS® Association is a neutral place where we can all come together to discuss and brainstorm the many issues and challenges facing our industry in the 21st century. Simply stated, it is a place where we can not only build and develop good professional relationships, but also share our knowledge and expertise for the betterment of our real estate profession and the public we serve.
Core Values
- Property Rights "We believe in the Advocacy of Real Property Ownership, Private Property Rights and a favorable business environment for our members."
- Professionalism "We believe Professional Standards should never be compromised."
- Member Services "We believe in providing resources that are valuable and beneficial."
- Leadership "We believe in identifying, developing and promoting Leaders within the industry and the communities we serve."
- Diversity "We believe in inclusivity by representing and serving diverse demographics, neighborhoods, beliefs and lifestyles."
- Community "We believe that our members are integral to enhancing communities."